Since the very beginning of 2014, I have been involved in observing life more closely, researching the soul sparingly and trying to regain in coping up with the world of changing realities… Perhaps, when we feel alone and low (the state of mind everyone must have faced in life at different intervals), we become more conscious of our emotions and could lead to emotional outburst. Life is not what we always dreamed it to be.
…You may be thinking that I’m hashing out a vague chat here, so let me make this clear that writing about something which is an ultimate attempt to reflect our immense emotions, changing mindsets & ups n downs situations in life is what I love to experiment with.
At times, we feel trapped & not been able to fine tune with the harmony of life… this happens quite often to our young folks. The reason is the moment when we start reasoning with every possible thing come across, we forget that “Our heart doesn’t have all the answers we search within”. This way we create a ready-made situation that cause too much of turbulence to us and those who are closed to us…
Sometimes it’s good to skip the track of time and let loose yourself to notice the unnoticed life so far… For this the possibility parameter is falling due to the “Virtual World” we dwell in. We have made a virtual web around us and search the life within… That’s another mistake we do when feeling low ( Frankly telling you people that I too work closely with a virtual social front so don’t confuse my words here. It’s just the way we perceive in the beginning is what matters at the end)
Life is beautiful (trust me… it’s an old but awesome one liner I ever heard of, that gives hope to those who are in despair) and full of excitement for those who have an eye for it…
Nowadays we seek or search the obvious things which were bestowed upon us when we were kids or I would say away from this so-called innovative ways of leading life. Don’t you feel that life was simpler at the time of our grandpa & grandma when problems were sorted out with love and dealt with caution?
“Words”… Yes the words were less and supposed to be said after thinking twice as the exchange mediums were limited… but today where the exchange of words have become easier, so the people like us… like you… forgot the value of words or the damage it can cause on one go.
I jotted my random sleepy thoughts for my readers… Hope this piece of writing carries meaning to you and derives the expressions within.
“I too wanna sleep like a baby…
Sail a time machine overloaded with dreams…
With rainbow colors dancing around on my granny’s lullabies…
Under the sky beautified with stars…
Aqua blued pillows woven with peace love & care…
Calm wind flowing over my head… bringing the smell of dried flowers that has been put in the vase yesterday…
I too wanna sleep like a baby… I too wanna be in bliss”